The German chancellor Graf von Caprivi refused to renew even this in 1890, thus opening the way for the Franco-Russian rapprochement and the creation of the Triple Entente (see Triple Alliance and Triple Entente). From 1887 to 1890 all that remained of the Three Emperors' League was a Russo-German reinsurance treaty. An initial agreement between Alexander II of Russia, William I of Prussia, and Francis-Joseph of Austria-Hungary was reached in September 1873. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Three Emperors League included:, By the early 1880s, Bismarck had succeeded in. However, it remained in force until 1887, when it was eclipsed by the German-Austrian alliance of 1879, which after the adherence of Italy (1882) became the Triple Alliance. THREE EMPERORS' LEAGUE The Three Emperors' League, or Dreikaiserbund, was part of the diplomatic web created by Otto Bismarck (1815 1898) to keep France isolated. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Peace and an unified Germany, Three Emperors League 1879, Treaty of Frankfurt 1871 and. Although the agreement was secretly renewed in 1881, it was disrupted again in 1885 as a result of the Balkan flareup. Slavonic and East European Review, March 1930, pp. He had soon recognized after 1871 that the interests of the new Germany could no longer be served by war. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78 shook the alliance (see Berlin, Congress of). The Alliance of the Three Emperors was Bismarcks attempt to escape from a dilemma which had led him to a typical crisis of nerves and irritability during the early months of 1879. The aims of the league were to preserve the social order of the conservative powers of Europe and to keep the peace between Austria-Hungary and Russia.

The chief architects of the alliance were Julius Andrássy, Otto von Bismarck, and Prince Gorchakov. Three Emperors' League, informal alliance among Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia, announced officially in 1872 on the occasion of the meeting of emperors Francis Joseph, William I, and Alexander II.